taboola code

Current Job Openings

Lead Software Engineer

130 W Union St, Pasadena, CA 91103

Job Duties:

1. Utilize programming language Swift 5.2.3 and software tools such as SwiftUI and Combine to develop mobile bank iOS application;

2. Construct applications notification modules that contain push notifications, in-app notifications and pop-up notifications with Firebase, OneSignal, and Iterable;

3. Integrate codebase with third-party application program interfaces (APIs), including establishing external checking account connection through Plaid API, conducting fund transfer andaccessing transaction history with Galileos Fintech APIs, sending phone SMS verifications to users with Twilio Verify API, and verifying address with USPS API;

4. Lead internal software developers to improve code quality by increasing unit test coverage with Jest and establish good coding standards with tools including ESLint and Prettier;

5. Set up database and write schemas with domain-driven design on Amazon Relational Database Service to simplify the operation and scaling of the relational database of our mobilebank application;

6. Architect a web-based administration dashboard with ReactJS and Bootstrap for customer service representatives to handle customers requests such as replacing cards, freezingaccounts and filing disputes;

7. Create a web-based analysis tool with ReactJS and Tableau to visualize all transfer, payment, and transaction data collected in our app for data analysts to adjust product marketingstrategies;

8. Develop a web-based reporting tool to convert rent, utility, and loan payment data to credit tradeline files that are accepted by credit bureaus (e.g., Equifax and TransUnion);

9. Write continuous Integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with Snyk, Github Actions, and Jenkins;

10. Utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and its APIs to implement authentication protocols such as OAuth and JWT tokens to protect users data and restrict securityaccess to servers;

11. Determine engineering project scope and delegate tasks with JIRA and manage codebases version control and branching model with Gitflow;

12. Lead the engineering team to conduct research and projects in application development and optimization in the field of financial technology services.

Job Requirements:

1. Master’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering, or its foreign equivalent.

2. Must have 2 years of full-time experience in building RESTful APIs to convert payment data to credit tradeline files that are recognized by Equifax and TransUnion.

3. Must be able to integrate Plaid APIs to connect users’ existing banks and gather users’ account information and transaction history.

Apply to this job by emailing your resume to

Senior iOS Developer



• Design, develop, and implement native iOS applications

• Lead the entire application life cycle (concept, design, test, release and support)

• Collaborate with our Product team to help understand customer needs, troubleshoot potential problems and define upcoming features

• Work with the backend team to define and optimize APIs

• Write clean, efficient, well-tested code, maintain code quality, organization and automation

• Communicate status, roadblocks and requirements to management in order to proactively solve problems and drive solutions.

• Troubleshoot and debug to optimize performance.

• Assess emerging mobile trends to ensure forward progress and innovation

• Comfortable working with remote team using GitHub/Slack/Zoom to collaborate

Basic Qualifications

• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields

• Has 5+ years experience with iOS development, excellent Swift knowledge is a requirement

• Architected and implemented complex iOS applications and have an appreciation for clean, elegant and simple code

• Experience in adapting MVVM best practices.

• Experience in best practices for RESTful API design and consumption

• Remote/Push Notification and Silent Notification Experience

• Knowledge of professional software engineering practices including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations

• Experience working in an Agile development environment

• Has a strong commitment to customer experience and product quality

• Solid communication & collaboration skills

• Team player driven to achieve both individual and team goals


Preferred Qualifications

• Experience with popular Fintech SDKs

• Experience with Firebase/ OneSignal/ Iterable

• Experience with localization

• Experience with Snapkit/SwiftUI

Apply to this job by emailing your resume to

Backend Engineer


Building a robust platform that will be supporting the mobile application.
Helping to design and implement new microservices.
Improving and optimizing existing backend systems including infrastructure and database.
Basic Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering or other related fields.
3+ years of experience as a software engineer.
2+ years of experience developing in one backend language (Preference node/go/java/python).
Experience building RESTful Web APIs and backend services for modern mobile applications.
Demonstrated understanding of design patterns, architecture and data modeling.
Demonstrated experience implementing security best practices and authentication protocols such as SAML, OAuth, Token-based authentication.
Ability to work in a dynamic and collaborative startup environment.
Self-starter with ability to quickly learn and apply new skills
Preferred Qualifications
Experience with popular Fintech APIs
Experience with AWS

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